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Tag: Books Reviews

Review: Begin

Posted in Reviews

BEGIN compiled and edited by Ken Ham and Bodie Hodge As stated on the cover, BEGIN is a journey through scriptures for seekers and new believers. It takes readers through key scripture passages from the beginning of the Bible until the end using the ESV of the Bible: Genesis 1-11 (the Foundation) Exodus 20:1-17 (the Ten Commandments) John (the Gospel) Romans (Letter from Paul to Christians) Revelation 21-22 (the Fulfillment in Heaven) The book begins with some brief commentary that includes places to take notes.  It then goes into the actual scripture passages.  Obviously, since it starts from the beginning,…

Review: Living Fossils

Posted in Reviews

Living Fossils: Evolution the Grand Experiment Vol. 2 by Dr. Carl Werner Munchkin has enjoyed learning about dinosaurs and fossils from a very young age, so I’m always thrilled when we’re able to review dinosaur and/or fossil books.  Munchkin really liked the first book in this series, Evolution: The Grand Experiment, so I had high hopes for the second volume.  I was not disappointed. Dr. Carl Werner grew up in a Catholic church where he learned about and believed in creation and the other stories in the Bible.  As he headed into his teen years, he started to have some…