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Tag: Booking Through Thursday

Booking It Through Thursday: Paper or Plastic

Posted in Blogging

Do you read e-Books? if so, how? On your computer, or a PDA? Or are you a paper purist? Why?I love e-books because they are instantly available, but I tend to print out the e-books that I read as I like to be able to look at them where ever. (I don’t have a pda) I will occasionally read them on the computer, but for the most part, I like to print them out. Kinda defeats the purpose in a way doesn’t it? lol!In all honesty, most of the books I read are the print version. But, recently, I’ve been…

Booking Through Thursday

Posted in Blogging

“Have you ever missed an important appointment because you have become so engrossed in a book you forgot the time or were up so late reading that you didn’t wake up in time? Been late to work because you couldn’t resist the temptation and left the house too late? “No, I do stay up too late reading sometimes, but I don’t miss appointments because of it. I’d also rather arrive early somewhere and just read than show up late. I hate being late, so missing something because of reading isn’t an option. lol!You can see more answers to this question…

Booking Through Thursday: The Bible

Posted in Blogging

Booking Through Thursday 1. Just out of curiosity, as we enter into Passover and Easter season… have you ever read the Bible? Just the odd chapter or Psalm? The whole thing? (Or, almost the whole thing? It’s some heavy reading, of course, and those “begats” get kind of tedious.) Yes, I’ve read through the whole Bible. 2. If so, was it from religious motivation or from a literary perspective? Stuck with nothing else to read in a hotel room the Gideon’s have visited? Any combination? I was younger when I read through the Bible (though I do want to read…