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Tag: Blog Cruise

Are We on Track?

Posted in Homeschooling

When you’re homeschooling in a state with little or no outside regulation for homeschoolers, how do you know that your child is on track?  How do you know if they are keeping up with their public school peers?  Are they ahead or behind?  Are they learning what they should? We have personally seen how military kids who transfer from one public (or private) school to the next with each pcs move can be ahead in one state but behind in another.  In one state certain subjects are taught in X grade while in other states it is taught in Y…

You want me to teach WHAT???

Posted in Homeschooling

Some states have strict homeschooling requirements.  Thankfully, we’ve been blessed to be stationed in homeschool friendly states the whole time we’ve been homeschooling Munchkin.  We haven’t been told what we have to study or what we can’t study for that matter.  In Virginia, we were required to teach math and language arts.  Here in Arizona, we don’t have specific legal requirements when it comes to subject matter. This freedom, for which we are extremely grateful, allows us to select courses that best suit Munchkin.  We can drop one subject and pick up another that fits in better with what is…