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Category: Reviews

Family Life’s Passport 2 Purity Getaway Kit

Posted in Christian Life, and Reviews

Special thanks to FlyBy Promotions for providing a review copy of the Passport 2 Purity materials for us to go over in our home. 13. One of the magical numbers in a child’s life. At 13, they become a teenager, a young adult. It wasn’t long ago that the age of 13 marked the time when a boy became a man. Many cultures mark this day with a celebration as a way to honor the person coming of age. Somewhere along the way, we have lost sight of the importance of celebrating such milestones with our kids. For Munchkin, we…

Fitness Friday: Yoga and Fitness Bands

Posted in Fitness, and Reviews

Special thanks to Phantom Fitness for providing a sample of their fitness loop bands for me to test out during my workouts. Well, this week continued to be a struggle with migraines and regular headaches. The headaches eased up enough that I was able to at least do some yoga and some fitness band work. The yoga helped keep the tension out of my muscles that tends to build up with headaches and having to rest a lot. The fitness band work allowed me to get at least a little resistance exercise in without the physical activity associated with my…

Taking a Look at Old Fashioned Movie, Book, and Devotional

Posted in Reviews

Special thanks to FlyBy Promotions for providing a review copy of the movie, book, and devotional. All opinions are my own. A Look at the Old Fashioned Movie… Having old fashioned values in relationships in a modern world can turn some heads. When Clay turns his back on his former lifestyle and embraces old fashioned values in his relationships, people look at him likes he’s odd. In fact, over the years, it has cost him friends. When Amber comes into his life, his resolve is tested. Old Fashioned focuses on two main themes: 1) old fashioned values in relationships and…

Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness

Posted in Reviews

Munchkin has been playing Nancy Drew games for many years. She got started on them after reading some of the books, and her interest in the games were renewed when the Nancy Drew movie came out several years ago. Since then, we have been picking up the computer games here and there. The older games were definitely more difficult and didn’t have all the hints that allow the newer games to be completed over a few days. When we had the opportunity to receive a review copy of the latest game, Nancy Drew: Sea of Darkness, I jumped on the…

Bread and Butter by Erin McKenna

Posted in Reviews

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes. I remember hearing about Babycakes bakery for the first time on Cupcake Wars. I was impressed that they were doing gluten free, vegan cupcakes that tasted good. While I’m not vegan, I appreciated the difficultly that came not only with baking gluten free but also vegan. Eggs are a go-to binder for many gluten free bakers – myself included, so not using eggs was rather intriguing. When this new cookbook was released by Erin McKenna, I was quite interested in trying out some of the recipes. The…