This post is part of the Conspiracy of Silence Tour of Duty. I received an advanced copy of the book from the publisher. This post may contain affiliate links. If you haven’t read the free intro to The Tox Files – The Warrior’s Seal, you need to go pick it up on Amazon. It’s a kindle novella that you can read on any device, so there is no excuse not to be spun up on the team before you dive into Conspiracy of Silence. Fair warning, once you start reading, you will not want to put the books down. I…
Category: Reviews
Scripture Doodle by April Knight
Posted in Christian Life, and Reviews
Special thanks to the publisher for providing a copy of these books for review purposes. This post contains affiliate links. Taking a Look at Scripture Doodles by April Knight I find coloring to be very therapeutic, so combining a devotional with a coloring book makes complete sense to me. Scripture Doodle and Scripture Doodle God’s Promises are both six-week devotional books. Some devotionals have coloring pages while others have a place for your own doodles which makes these books a little different than some of the other coloring/devotional books. You have the opportunity to be a little more creative or…
Finding Your Voice by Natalie Grant
Posted in Reviews
Finding Your Voice When I started to do what I loved to do, what God had created me to do — operating fully in my gifting — I began to understand more clearly God’s call on my life. ~ Natalie Grant I think we have all, at some point in our lives, wondered what the Lord wants for us, from us. What are we supposed to be doing with our lives? Should we take the easy path, the safe path? Should we follow our dreams or plant our feet firmly on the ground? As I watch my teenage daughter try to…
Praying through the Bible for your Kids
Posted in Christian Life, and Reviews
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” ~ Proverbs 22:6 I started praying for our sweet girl before she was even born. As the years passed, the prayers continued, but the changed according to the stages of her life. Now, that she’s in college and approaching some difficult decisions about further education and a future career, I find myself, once again, praying in a different way. I also find myself praying that the Lord will bring the right people into her life to help her grow in…
All Is Bright: A Devotional Journey to Color Your Way to Christmas
Posted in Christian Life, and Reviews
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. This post contains affiliate links. I’ve enjoyed coloring from a young age and get a kick out of the fact that adult coloring books are now all the rage. When we were still in the homeschooling years, I often used coloring as a way to help my girl focus during a lesson. We would sit down and color together while watching an educational program. It was a fun, enjoyable way to relax. I’m glad that others are now learning how relaxing coloring really can be for people of all ages.…