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Category: Reviews

Review: Dashing Dish by Katie Farrell

Posted in Reviews

Special thanks to the publisher for providing a sample copy of the book. We’re big into clean eating around here. Do we do it perfectly? Not at all. We still have too much sugar in our diet as it’s a process to transition to natural sweeteners. I’m always looking for good recipes to add to my collection. Many of the recipes featured in this book were similar to ones that I already make, but I really liked the fact that the recipes were either naturally gluten free or easy to convert to being gluten free. She uses oat flour in…

Review: Two Renegade Realms by Donita K. Paul

Posted in Reviews

Special thanks to Zondervan for providing a sample copy of this book for review. Welcome to a world were certain individuals, realm walkers, can cross between different realms through portals. The realm walkers are paired with a mor dragon, a constant, to help them during the travels, assignments, and adventures. Unfortunately, the current Realm Walkers Guild is corrupt and seeks to do more evil than good. The old ways and good is slowly perishing to the evil that is consuming the realms. It took me a little while to get into Two Renegade Realms, book two in the Realm Walker…

Review: Let Us All Eat Cake by Catherine Ruehle

Posted in Reviews

Special thanks to the publisher for providing a sample copy of the book to test out in my kitchen. One of the things that many people miss when they go gluten free is all of the baked goods they used to eat prior to going gluten free. Special occasions can be a little difficult when you can’t eat with everyone else. If you’re able to come up with good alternatives that are great for gluten free and non-gluten free people alike, then you have a win-win situation for everyone. In Let Us All Eat Cake: Gluten-free Recipes for everyone’s favorite…

Review: before amen by Max Lucado

Posted in Reviews

Special thanks to the publisher and Family Christian Bookstore for providing a sample copy of this book. Can I make a confession? I’m one of those people who is known to fall asleep when they are praying at night. If I say that I’ll pray for you, I will. I pray right then and there as I know that I’m not good about remembering to pray later. I’ll pray for you when I think of you throughout the day. If I need to pray for a specific thing as a specific time, I put it on my calendar or set…

Wisdomantics Game Review and Giveaway

Posted in Reviews

Special thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing a sample of this game. Game Description: Wisdomantics– New King James Version (NKJV) is an interactive DVD board game for players of various faiths who desire to gain the vast wisdom of King Solomon. Wisdomantics utilizes the proverbs of Solomon and blends chance, knowledge, and strategy to create a fun experience while you learn. The game’s intent is to bring individuals together to learn how to cope with numerous situations in a fun and relaxed environment. What’s in the box? 2 interactive double-sided dvds with 400 questions 4 score cards 4 game…