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Category: Outdoor Adventures

Bouldering: Scratch-n-Sniff

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

D has been rock climbing pretty much since we first moved to this duty station. He has really enjoyed this new, challenging form of exercise. For Christmas, I gave him a crash pad that is used for bouldering. Today, we were able to head out to the park for him to try it out for the first time. It was a beautiful, sunny day. The breeze was a little cool, but it was the perfect day for climbing. Well, the sun may have been a little bright on some of the higher boulders. We had to hike back to the…

Playing in the Snow

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

After we got everything squared away with the snow situation and the horses were settled in a comfortable barn, it was time to have some fun in the snow. The dogs absolutely loved being out in the snow. They ran around like crazy when it first started. It quickly turned into Wiley bounding around like a crazy dog and begging for Wyatt to play with him. Wyatt was fascinated by all of the animals tracks. He realized that he could very easily see the animals and birds thanks to the newly fallen snow. Yes, he chased Wiley around and played,…