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Category: Homeschooling

Homeschooling ideas, tips, and resources.

Blogger Friend School

Posted in Fun, and Homeschooling

It’s hard to believe that it’s time for Blogger Friend School to start back up. I have to admit that I fell behind last year in my assignments, but I hope to do much better this year. It’s really a great opportunity to grow personally and get to know other homeschoolers. Stop by and join us as the school year begins soon.

By the Shores of Silver Lake Lapbook (Little House Series)

Posted in Homeschooling

By the Shores of Silver Lake is the fifth lapbook in the free Little House on the Prairie Lapbook series based on the Little House books. These were designed to be used as a book review or as part of a Little House unit study. It has a complete study guide with lapbook components.

Homeschool Memoirs

Posted in Homeschooling

For those of you that are just stopping by for the first time, please allow me to give you a brief glimpse into our lives. I’m devildogwife (see sidebar for explanation on name). I’m married to devildog who is proudly serving his country in the Marine Corps. We have a little pup named Munchkin. She is our pride and joy. The Lord has given me the best job in the world — being a wife and mom. We’re doing our best to bring Munchkin up in the way that the Lord leads. Homeschooling has been a real blessing for us…

On the Banks of Plum Creek Lapbook (Little House Series)

Posted in Homeschooling

On The Banks of Plum Creek is the fourth lapbook in the free Little House on the Prairie Lapbook series based on the Little House books. These were designed to be used as a book review or as part of a Little House unit study. It has a complete study guide with lapbook components.