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Category: Family

The Morning The Horses Disappeared

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

In the pre-dawn hours of Saturday morning, I heard the thundering hoof beats of our horses. This isn’t abnormal, so I fell back to sleep as it wasn’t time to feed them yet. As the sun began to peak over the mountains painting the sky in shades of pink and orange, I crawled out of bed still tired from a less than restful night’s slumber. After feeding the dogs, I opened the door to let them out and was puzzled when I didn’t hear my normal morning greeting from the horses. I looked out, and they were nowhere to be…

Back to Work

Posted in Family

Morning. Crisp and clear. Hughes of yellow, orange, and purple. Emerging from the warmth and comfort of bed. Stretch and slide feet into soft, fuzzy slippers. The kettle is on the stove, and the dogs are munching on their food. Pjs. Carhartt jacket. Boots. Gloves. Time to feed the horses. Horses whinny. Coyotes howl and yip. Dogs bark and growl. Rooster crows. Birds sing. The moon fades into the morning light. The sun hides behind the mountain peaks. A new dawn. An old, yet new routine. Eggs sizzle in the pan. Coffee brews in the french press. Today, my husband…

The Lifegiving Home

Posted in Family, and Reviews

I received a review copy of this book from Tyndale House Publishers. This post may contain affiliate links. My injury, D’s surgery, Munchkin starting college, and D continuing with his college work makes for a pretty crazy environment around here. Our regular routine was thrown out the window as we tried to find a new normal. It really highlighted the importance of creating a safe haven at home. We needed one place that we could relax and breath – a place where we could be ourselves and find comfort. During this season, some things around the home have been pushed…

Fitness Friday: Keep on Walking

Posted in Family, and Fitness

When we went to D’s post-op appointment, the surgeon, when he learned of our daily walks, said that walking was perfect. It’s good for the body and good for marriages. I thought it was interesting that he would say that, but I also totally agreed with him. D and I have continued with our almost daily walks this week. I learned today that he has different plans for the walk based on how we’re doing that day. He’s been gradually increasing the distance that we cover as well as varying the terrain. It’s been good for my ankle recovery as…

Fitness Friday: Crutches No More

Posted in Family, and Fitness

Shortly before Christmas, I finally was able to say goodbye to my crutches. I was thrilled to be able to walk again unassisted even if I still wasn’t able to walk properly and without pain. I could, once again, move around freely and carry things around. I could even vacuum in a regular manner. Life became a little easier. I had made it my goal to be completely off crutches before Christmas, and thankfully, I met the goal. Since I knew that D would be having surgery shortly after the new year, I needed to be back to doing pretty…