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Category: Family

Looking Back at 2016

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

It’s always fun to look back at what took place during the year. There were both ups and downs, but I like the remember all of the blessings we encountered along the way. It should be interesting to see what the new year of 2017 has in store for us. January – Shoulder Surgery D’s shoulder surgery was quite the ordeal, but we made it through it. The military hospital really dropped the ball on quite a few things, but the shoulder was repaired which was the main concern. The road to recovery would be a painful, slow process, but…

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

Cold weather. Snow covered mountains. More snow. It’s time to go explore the winter wonderland. Build a snowman? We’ll have to wait to see what the snow is like once we reach our destination. A picnic lunch has been packed. The dogs are settled in. It’s time to head on our way. Switchback roads. Snow everywhere. It’s going to be a fun day of exploration and hiking in the snow. The dogs get excited as they know what lies ahead. Sadly, the Big Bear Discovery Center was closed for the day as was the parking lot, so we had to…

Cougar Crest Trail Hiking in the Snow

Posted in Family, and Outdoor Adventures

I woke up to a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning. The windstorms had passed and left behind gorgeous weather. I look into the distance and see the snow-capped mountains. The snow-covered peaks of Big Bear were calling out to me. I finished up my outdoor chores and head in to let D know that it was time for a road trip to the mountains to do some hiking in the snow. Once D saw the mountains, he agreed that we needed to do a little hiking in the snowy mountains. We weren’t sure exactly what our destination would be once we…

Thanksgiving: Staying Connected Across the Miles

Posted in Family, and Holidays

One of the difficult things about being a military family is that we’re often away from family for the holidays. It’s always nice when you can find a little ways to stay connected across the miles. Shortly before Thanksgiving, I was contacted by Shari’s Berries to see if I would like to share one of their cheesecake collections with someone as a way to show that I’m thankful for them. There was no obligation to write a review or blog post. I picked the fall collection of chocolate covered strawberries and cheesecake bites for both my family and my sister’s…

Giving Thanks: Chickens

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

Chickens have become such a huge part of our every day lives. While they don’t require a large amount of work on a daily basis, they do keep us entertained with all of their antics and songs. The biggest blessing for us has been the eggs that they provide for us. With the time change and less daylight, I thought for sure the egg production would go down, but we’ve been blessed with continued egg production. In fact, our girls all decided to lay an egg yesterday, so we had a dozen eggs in one day. That was a fun…