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Remember a Thanksgiving Road Trip

Posted in Family, and Holidays

Winding Road

As I said in my previous post, Thanksgiving always meant a road trip to my grandpa and grandma’s house in PA.  Back then, road trips did not involve electronics as they do today.  Nope, we had to entertain ourselves from Michigan to Pennsylvania and back home again.  My sister and I would sit in the back seat and get along perfectly.  Um, well, okay, we did do some of the “she’s touching me” type of stuff, but the trips weren’t that bad.  At least, I don’t think they were.  I’m sure my Dad might have a little different take on it. lol!

We would play various games and read while we traveled along.  (Special games just for long road trips are always a good idea.)  We pretty much always stopped to eat at Wendy’s.  You see, my Dad likes Wendy’s, and it was a good place to stop for us.  In later years, our first stop would be Wendy’s and our second stop would be at a sit-down restaurant.  When we were younger, we did mainly fast food on a road trip.  (Having set stopping points gave us something to look forward to on the trip.)

One year, as the story is told, we were heading through Ohio.  (Note: Munchkin loves this story and gets a big kick out of it, but I’m not sure it will completely translate onto the blog because you almost need to hear it for full effect.)  I wanted to ask my Dad something about Ohio (those exact details are now a little sketchy), but for some reason, I couldn’t say Ohio.  I kept saying Ohoho.  I have no idea why I couldn’t get it out.  Of course, this verbal difficulty leads to lots of giggling which only makes the matter worse.  I never was able to spit out Ohio on that part of our journey, but it certainly made for a fun story later.

When traveling to PA in November, you never knew if it would be sunny, rainy, snowy, or some mix of those things.  It was always an adventure while we traveled.  Sometimes our trip would take much longer than others.  On those longer trips, we would need to amuse ourselves a bit more.  There was always the classic trying to get the truckers to honk move.  (Why that is so much fun I will never know, yet it is.)  We would sing silly songs, place eye spy, and try to find various license plates from many different states.  (A book of road trip games helps for times like these.)

Once we hit the 7 mountains (this is just what we called them), we knew that we were getting closer to our grandparent’s house.  We would climb higher up into the mountains and our ears would pop.  Up and down the hilly roads we would travel.  The closer we got to grandma and grandpa’s house, the faster Dad seemed to drive.  He was motivated to finally get home.  Maybe it had something to do with the “are we there yet?” comments coming from the back seat?  Finally, we would arrive at the house.  Lots of hugs would be shared.

On the way home, grandma would always load us up with tasty goodies including Amish whoopie pies.  Yum!  (Having special treats for the road always seemed to make the trip go much smoother.)  While I may not have always enjoyed those road trips growing up, I do look back at them with many fond memories as well as a few that I’d just assume forget.  (Um, getting sick while traveling is not fun.  Just sayin’.)  I’m grateful that we had the tradition of heading to my grandparents’ house every year.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Discount Tire blogging program, making me eligible to receive a $50 gift card and be entered for a chance to win a prize valued at $1,000. For more information on how you can participate, click here.


  1. Lynda

    This post of yours had me in tears…Holidays bring back so many fond memories of warm family times. Thank you for sharing, it was beautiful! I hope and pray that you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving. God Bless & Hugs!

    November 23, 2010
  2. Thank you for participating in A Month of Thanksgiving! I’ve been very blessed by all your posts and feel like I got to know everyone in a special way. I hope that you will still join me on Tuesdays.

    May you and your family have a Thanksgiving filled with many Blessings,
    Tamara recently posted..A Month of Thanksgiving – Winner!My Profile

    November 23, 2010
  3. Oh what memories this brings back! I have a brother and a sister and I do remember trips in the backseat when we were kids! Thank you for the reminder! Thanksgiving blessings to you and yours! Hugs ♥ Teri

    November 24, 2010
  4. Growing up, my family didn’t really do trips. I’ve more than made up for it with my family now though.

    My oldest’s hand held electronic (I can’t think of the name of the exact one right now!) has been lost for three months. He found it today! (I prayed that he would before our Christmas trip to Albuquerque for my peace of mind/quiet).

    Thanks for sharing your memories. And the story translated fine :0)

    November 24, 2010

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