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Fitness Friday: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Posted in Fitness

Fitness Friday - when injury interrupts your regularly scheduled fitness routine

The Good

Last week, I was having a great week not only getting projects done around the house but also with my fitness program. I was back on my regular 21 Day Fix Fitness program routine, and I had added yoga to the mix in the evenings. The combination of the two left me feeling tired and sore, but my body really appreciated the yoga as it helped me stay more relaxed and flexible. I was sleeping better and had more energy.

I was thrilled when I was able to help hubby more with his projects in the garage over the weekend because I was stronger and healthier. It was nice to be able to do more instead of just little things here and there. (He appreciates the little things, but it’s nice to be able to do more work by his side.)

The Bad

Then, on Saturday or Sunday night, (sorry days are blurring a little now…) I stubbed my toe on my left foot – hard – on one of my weights when I got up during the night to take care of the dogs. That toe quickly swelled and bruised. It hurt – really bad. I knew it was either a break or a bad sprain. Either way, I would just need to deal with it, so I hobbled along and got a few things done. I, unfortunately, was unable to help to any great degree with things that hubby was working on, but I could at least do little things here and there. Exercise just wasn’t going to happen. 🙁

The Ugly

Tuesday rolled around, and I headed out to pick up our CSA basket. When I stepped out of the truck, I was being careful not to put too much force on my bad toe and completely missed the hole that my other foot was about to go into. My ankle went, and I went down – hard. I’m crumpled on the ground in agony while the lady who saw this go down carries on with putting her CSA box in her truck and drives off.

Eventually, I’m able to stand up and sit in my truck. The person that runs our CSA puts my boxes in my truck, and I manage to painfully drive home. By the time I get home, I feel like I’m going to pass out from the pain. Munchkin manages to help me into the house, and she takes care of bringing stuff into the house. I get situated and elevate my right ankle and check out my knee. Munchkin gets me an ice pack. My left knee is scraped up and swollen. My right ankle is huge. I’m unable to put weight on it, and it hurts.

I let hubby know what has happened, and I then I wait until he can get home from work to take me to the ER. A trip to the ER and some x-rays show that it’s not broken. It’s a really bad sprain, so I have a sprained toe on my left foot and a sprained ankle on my right. The put a splint on it and give me crutches and pain meds. I’m off my foot for a minimum of a week, and I’m not allowed to drive. Because of the sprained toe, moving on the crutches is very painful, so I’m pretty much not moving around for now.

Needless to say, my exercise routine has been set aside, once again, until I heal up. **sigh**

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