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The Freedom to Vote

Posted in Thoughts

I Voted 2012

A fledgling nation struggling to find the right course to become a great, independent nation.

The Founding Fathers carefully crafted documents that would endow individuals with certain liberties/rights/freedoms, that would protect the powers of the states, that would set up a system of checks and balances for the federal government. They agonized hour after hour about each word that was placed into the document, so that the correct meaning would be given for the foundations being set up for this new nation. Back and forth the discussions went as they tried to balance the powers between state and federal government. They had seen the failings of many other nations, so it was important to avoid some of the downfalls in this new land. They strove, to the best of their human understanding, to create a perfect system that would benefit all who were involved.

A nation finding pride in giving individual freedoms that would not be stomped down by the government.

Obviously, we know that no system will be perfect when we are flawed humans, but they did the best that they could with the resources they had at their disposal. When I see what they set out to create and what they actually accomplished, I know that I am impressed. I also know that they would be disheartened to see the direction that fledgling nation has taken. The balance that they so carefully crafted has been thrown completely off kilter. The system of checks and balances seems to have fallen off to the wayside as people disregard the carefully crafted documents upon which this nation was founded – documents that are suppose to govern how our nation runs.

A nation attempting to find her way back to her Biblical roots.

Were there flaws in the system that they set up? Absolutely. It took years for men and women of all skin tones to be able to vote, but they were on the right track. Sadly, I can’t say that we are still on that right track. We are headed down the paths of many once great nations who collapsed when they started to turn away from the core, Biblical foundations that allowed a nation to become great.

A nation mired in greed and corruption.

Election years seem to bring out the worst in many people. The ugliness and nastiness that is seen all over the place seems to be amplified when it comes to politics. Many individuals will turn a blind eye to the wrongs of their political candidate/party just because they don’t think that individual/party can do any wrong. Others figure they can’t change things, so they stick their heads in the sand just waiting for the elections to blow over. Still others become so vocal about everything that they turn people off even though they are trying to do good. None of these approaches is correct. Instead, we should be doing our due diligence and carefully research and pray about what we need to do.

A nation floundering without a solid sense of direction.

Somewhere along the way, we walked away from being a proud nation that was founded on Biblical principles. We started to take for granted our freedoms and the ease with which we can vote. We allowed ourselves to get sidetracked from the real issues and be caught up in all of the hype. We stopped caring about what was right and wrong. We starting going in the direction of the popular vote or listening to those who had the loudest voice. It’s sad.

A nation looking for hope of a better future.

In other countries, people put their lives, their family’s lives on the line just so they can vote, so they can try to make a difference. Other than a few random incidences, we do not need to fear harm when we go vote. They wait for hours to vote. We complain when we have to wait for a few minutes. They stand in long lines to vote in person while hoping that they aren’t harmed while waiting. We have the option to vote early, vote electronically, vote in comfort. While there are cases of voter intimidation, we don’t all face this. Normally, the worst thing we face is being called names and rude behaviors.

A nation clutching to the promise of a new day.

If we’re not careful, the freedoms that we take for granted will be stripped away one-by-one. It’s already happening. It’s election day in the United States of America. Will you vote? Have you voted? I am thankful for the freedom to vote. Although it may not be the same nation it once was, I am thankful that I do live in a country with freedoms unlike many other nations. I pray that we will not turn our backs on those freedoms, those core Biblical principles. I pray for my country and her leaders. We do not know what tomorrow will hold, but I do know that the Lord has control.

Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever. He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes. ~Psalm 112:6-8~

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