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Month: November 2015

Happy 240th Birthday Marines!

Posted in Military Life

Happy 240th Birthday, Marines! Reflect on our history, remember those who have sacrificed and reaffirm your commitment to the strengthening of our Corps. — 37th Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Robert B. Neller 10 November 2015 A MESSAGE FROM THE COMMANDANT OF THE MARINE CORPS When the Continental Congress raised up the two battalions of Marines in 1775, it launched the greatest fighting force the world has ever known – a force revered globally for its uncommon valor, unparalleled adaptability, and ferocious tenacity. Over the past 240 years, the battlefields and equipment have changed, but the spirit of the United…

Giving Thanks 2015 – Week One

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

It’s become a bit of a tradition to focus on giving thanks during the month of November. Normally, I try to blog my way through the month as it makes me really focus on even the smallest things that often get overlooked when giving thanks. I fully intended on doing the same thing this year, but then I got hit with a migraine. I got ill, very ill, in conjunction with the first migraine. The migraine let up and then I got hit with another one. I couldn’t figure out the trigger. By the time the first week of November…
