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Year: 2011

Gluten Free Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Posted in Gluten Free

Peanut butter and chocolate are a classic flavor combination. I love combining them together to make flavor-filled gluten free peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies. In an effort to create a healthier cookie for us to enjoy, I started tossing together ingredients and ended up with a delicious peanut butter chocolate chunk cookie with healthy ingredients. The problem? I didn’t record what I did, so I set off to recreate the cookies. One of these days, I’ll remember to write things down as I make the cookies. It will make my life much easier especially when someone asks for the cookie…

Kick-Start Fitness Week 3: A New Routine

Posted in Family, and Fitness

Yesterday, I talked a little about a fresh look on life thanks to our crazy new dog.  I admit that I had forgotten some of the work that goes into owning a younger dog – especially a rescue dog.  We’ve quickly found that there are certain routines that he already has set in place, so we’re trying to keep some of these routines while establishing new ones. One of Wiley’s established routines is daily walks. Now, they said that he walks well on a leash, but we soon found that wasn’t exactly the complete truth.  He does walk on a…

Pure Integrity Soy Candles Review and Giveaway

Posted in Reviews

Pure Integrity

The sweet smell of cinnamon fills the downstairs, but I’m not baking – at least, not this time.  It’s a cinnamon scented candle from Pure Integrity Soy Candles.  I love the realistic smell of the candle, and it doesn’t give me a headache.  The Pure Integrity candles are made from soy wax which means that they burn without harmful petro soot.  The unique 100% cotton wick set up allows for even, long burning candles with no tunneling through the wax.  Yep, that means that the double wick actually allows the wax to puddle all the way to the edge of the jar.  There is no black smoke as long as you keep the wicks trimmed short.  (Love that!)

Pure Integrity candles have powerful fragrances, so they actually fill the room with scent.  On their website, they give fragrance ratings for their candles, so you know exactly what you’re getting when you purchase one (or more) of the 70 candle scents.  I chose the cinnamon scent as we need to stay away from floral type scents.  We received a beautiful frosted glass 16 oz. jar.  The frosted glass really gives the candle that extra touch of beauty.

Soft Glow

I was very impressed with the pure scent of the candle and how beautifully it burned.  I’m thrilled that I can have a healthier burning candle around the house as I love the relaxing, soft glow of a candle in the evening.

Would you like to win a Pure Integrity Holiday Fragrance Combo Set, which includes their 3 10 oz top selling holiday fragrances; Vanilla Almond, Pumpkin Pie and Sugared Spruce (a $44.97+ value)? One US reader will receive the holiday fragrance combo set to help warm up their home and make their home just a little more relaxing. Click below to enter via Rafflecopter.

Thankful Thursday: A Fresh Look

Posted in Family

Last week, we were struggling to get our footing under us as a sequence of events left us torn and broken.  As a family, we were hurting, and we received an outpouring of love, encouragement, and prayers from many individuals both online and in person.  The Lord used so many people to touch us, and there really is no way I can adequately express how much we appreciate it all. Over the weekend, the Lord brought a sweet puppy into our lives which allowed some healing to begin.  Oh, it hasn’t been a cake walk as new dogs require lots…

The Sweet Sound of Laughter

Posted in Family, and Photography

Last week, I really didn’t think we’d be hearing the true, pure laughter around our house any time soon.  We continued to joke around and go about living our lives, but our hearts weren’t really into what we were doing.  An under tone of sadness seemed to permeate the house and everything we did.  While we wanted to focus on the good times, it seemed that too many sad memories mingled with the pleasant memories.  Thankfully, our Wiley has helped bring back more of the wonderful memories while we make new memories with him. Today, I decided to try to capture some…