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Month: August 2010

Mission Impossible: The Perfect Planner?

Posted in Reviews

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create the perfect planner for your homeschool using a set of resources located in your mission pack.  The mission pack has resources to help achieve not only your homeschool goals, but also your household goals.  You may choose to complete the secondary mission of creating household and/or student planner using the same mission pack. Photos have been included to help you identify the mission packet once you meet your contact. Your contact’s location? The Old Schoolhouse Store.  Your contact has some valuable surveillance footage that I believe will help you…

Afternoon Activity: Volcano part 1

Posted in Homeschooling

D was away on a short trip the last couple of days, and I have been dealing with headaches this week.  Munchkin has been very patient and gracious while I’ve needed to rest more than usual.  We’ve cuddled in bed and watched movies.  (Well, she’s watched the movie quietly while I rested.)  While she was okay with this, she eventually needed something to do.  Thankfully, I have various items set aside for times like these. Munchkin decided that she wanted to work on the volcano activity set.  I had picked up this Smithsonian Great Volcano set at a thrift store…

Saving on School Supplies

Posted in Homeschooling

The back-to-school lists seem to be growing every year.  In addition to regular school supplies, many schools are now requiring school uniforms.  Coming up with the money for all of this may seem like a daunting task, but there are some ways that I like to save on back-to-school supplies. 1. Take Inventory: It’s silly to spend money on items you don’t need.  See what supplies you already have on hand.  See what “old” items can still be used and supplement with new items.  Don’t automatically buy new clothes and shoes if the old ones are perfectly fine. 2. Make…

This, That, and a Smashed Finger

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

How’s that for a crazy title? On Saturday, while helping D work on his truck, I smashed my finger, so I’m trying to type without the use of my index finger.  Not an easy task. lol!  My finger is red, black and blue and swollen.  The swelling is starting to go down some, so hopefully, I’ll be able to use my finger again in the near future. D and I are praying about some decisions in our lives right now, so that has really been our focus for the last few days. I’m working on getting a few projects done…