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Focus – 2017 Word of the Year

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

Wiley focusing on Alvin

I have not been able to come up with my 2017 word of the year. I had many ideas, but nothing seemed just right. Yesterday, I was reading several blogs where they were talking about their word of the year and their goals for the year. I still hadn’t nailed down my word, but I was slowly weeding out the ones that weren’t a good fit. This morning, I realized that my 2017 word of the year at been there all along. In many ways, my answer was in the search. This year, my word of the year is focus.

Lately, I feel like I’m being pulled in so many directions. I want to do this, that, and the other thing. I lack the focus I need to attack one job at a time. With this in mind, I’m doing something that I haven’t done in a few years. I’m going to start making weekly to-do lists. This will help me focus on what I need to get done that week.

2017 Word of the Year Focus

I plan on further breaking it down into to-do lists for different areas of my life including homemaking, blogging, reading, Bible study, creative avenues, and family time. For some areas, like family time and creative avenues, I don’t want to get too specific, but I do want to make sure that I’m carving out time for those important activities.

While cooking and baking are easy for me, getting the house organized and tidy tend to be more difficult. I have other things that I’d rather be doing like spending time with my girl and my husband. I want to try to put more focus on specific tasks, so I can knock them out and get them done in an efficient manner. We have an upcoming move, so I need to get the house organized and simplified before that move. I hate moving extra stuff.

Enjoy the Journey

When it comes to blogging, I need to focus on setting aside time to write quality posts, work on social media, and grow my blog. I want to be able to supplement D’s income with my blog on some level which means I need to get serious about blogging again. On the same note, I don’t want my blog to become all about money. I write about our life, and I need to continue to focus on that. Ultimately, my family is my primary focus.

2017 is going to be filled with so many changes. I know that if I don’t properly focus on specific tasks and on what is important that I’m going to feel completely out of whack. I don’t have control over what life throws at me, but I do have control over how I respond to the craziness of life. I want to enjoy the journey called life.

What is your word of the year for 2017? Have you set specific goals for this year and put together a plan to achieve them? I’d love to hear about them.

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