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The Morning The Horses Disappeared

Posted in Family, and Homesteading

Phantom safe at home.

In the pre-dawn hours of Saturday morning, I heard the thundering hoof beats of our horses. This isn’t abnormal, so I fell back to sleep as it wasn’t time to feed them yet.

As the sun began to peak over the mountains painting the sky in shades of pink and orange, I crawled out of bed still tired from a less than restful night’s slumber. After feeding the dogs, I opened the door to let them out and was puzzled when I didn’t hear my normal morning greeting from the horses. I looked out, and they were nowhere to be seen. I quickly threw on a fleece shirt and some boots and headed outside.

The gate was wide open. Our horses were gone. Someone had opened the gate and let them out. I looked around to see if they were anywhere nearby, but I couldn’t see them. I rushed back inside and woke up both D and Munchkin as I figured we’d be in for a search. I quickly through on some clothes before heading back out. D beat me outside as he went out as soon as I got him up.

When I looked out, I saw Dixie girl following D into the stalls while he coaxed Phantom in with some feed. Apparently, while I was in the house, the horses – knowing it was time to eat – made their way back to our place and were standing by the horse trailer waiting for their feed. Needless to say, we all breathed a sigh of relief to have our precious horses home.

I’m not sure why someone let the horses out, but we’re thankful that they made it safely home. I guess it’s a good thing they’re so familiar with their feed schedule and that they like us. 😉 We’re also thankful that they arrived back home with no injuries other than a few scratches on Dixie’s legs.

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