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Fitness Friday: Crutches No More

Posted in Family, and Fitness

Our daily walk as a couple for rehab.

Shortly before Christmas, I finally was able to say goodbye to my crutches. I was thrilled to be able to walk again unassisted even if I still wasn’t able to walk properly and without pain. I could, once again, move around freely and carry things around. I could even vacuum in a regular manner. Life became a little easier.

I had made it my goal to be completely off crutches before Christmas, and thankfully, I met the goal. Since I knew that D would be having surgery shortly after the new year, I needed to be back to doing pretty much everything if at all possible. (There are still some things that I struggle with, but I’m slowly getting back to normal.)

D and I are now taking walks almost every day. It’s good for my rehab, and it’s also good for D to get out and about after his surgery. We’re fortunate in that the weather has been rather beautiful as of late. I’m loving being able to spend some extra time with D as we walk and talk. One-on-one talking time is always a good thing in my mind.

It’s interesting learning how to walk all over again. I still have an annoying limp which comes from having been on crutches for so long. My ankle and leg muscles are weak, so I’m working on building them back up. My achilles tendon is super tight was makes certain movements difficult. Daily stretching is critical to achieve better movement in my ankle.

I’m normally rather flexible, but my muscles are way too tight these days. I’m spending a lot of time stretching these days as I try to get back my normal flexibility.

D and I are encouraging each other as we work on our rehab together.

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