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Month: January 2016

Fitness Friday: Keep on Walking

Posted in Family, and Fitness

When we went to D’s post-op appointment, the surgeon, when he learned of our daily walks, said that walking was perfect. It’s good for the body and good for marriages. I thought it was interesting that he would say that, but I also totally agreed with him. D and I have continued with our almost daily walks this week. I learned today that he has different plans for the walk based on how we’re doing that day. He’s been gradually increasing the distance that we cover as well as varying the terrain. It’s been good for my ankle recovery as…

Fitness Friday: Crutches No More

Posted in Family, and Fitness

Shortly before Christmas, I finally was able to say goodbye to my crutches. I was thrilled to be able to walk again unassisted even if I still wasn’t able to walk properly and without pain. I could, once again, move around freely and carry things around. I could even vacuum in a regular manner. Life became a little easier. I had made it my goal to be completely off crutches before Christmas, and thankfully, I met the goal. Since I knew that D would be having surgery shortly after the new year, I needed to be back to doing pretty…

Shoulder Surgery

Posted in Family, and Military Life

One week ago, I took D over to the military hospital to check in for his shoulder surgery. After filling out the paperwork, we were walked up the stairs to the waiting room. A little while later, he was called back to get prepared for the surgery. Once he was settled in and had lots of tubes and what not hooked up, I was called back. (I was told that I couldn’t be around when they did the initial prep.) Of course things didn’t start out very well when they put the IV in the wrong hand, so they had…

Looking Back at 2015

Posted in Family, and Thoughts

It’s hard to believe that we’re already in 2016. Yes, I typed it wrong and had to change the date as I’m still not used to typing 2016. **grin** It seems like we were just starting 2015 yesterday. 2015 was a crazy year for us, so I thought it would be fun to look back at pull out a picture from each month. It’s good to remember even as we look ahead a what 2016 may hold in store for us. January – New Year Begins with Snow Because we live in an area where snow is not a regular…