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Book Review: Esther Queen of Persia by Jim Baumgardner

Posted in Reviews

Esther Queen of PersiaSpecial thanks to Jim Baumgardner for sending me a copy of this book as a member of the CWA Review Team.

Esther Queen of Persia Book Details:

Hadassah, the beautiful, Jewish teenager from the city of Susa in Persia, is taken by force to the palace of King Ahasuerus. His command to find the most beautiful virgins in his kingdom, and bring them to the house of women, has placed Hadassah under the supervision of Hegai, the king’s custodian of women. Hegai and his servants, have one year to prepare each virgin for one night with the king. Although Hadassah was taken from her home by force, she refuses to become bitter. She accepts being called Esther, but inside remains always, Hadassah. She continually wonders why she is there, yet remains faithful to her God, and to her identity. It is years before the answer is revealed. Her people face annihilation, and it falls upon her shoulders to stop it. Her first thought is to shirk her duty, but Mordecai, her cousin, will not allow it. His words, ‘”Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”‘ brings her to her senses.

Unlike many of the novels written about Esther, this book seeks to remain true to the Biblical account, while supplying additional historical information from the time period 486-473 B.C. The book has a five page Introduction, which gives insight into some of the things found in the story. It has a page, listing the months of the Jewish sacred calendar and the corresponding month of our modern calendar. Also in the back of the book is a listing of Scriptures mentioned in each chapter, along with a listing of works consulted in research for Esther Queen of Persia.

Jim BaumgardnerAbout the Author:

Born in Wichita, Kansas, Jim Baumgardner, raised by Christian parents, gave his life to Christ in 1957. The author continues to reside in Wichita with his wife Linda. They have three children and nine grandchildren. Jim has seven published books. Four are known as the Sarah books, which tell of the adventures of a girl named Sarah, set in the 19thCentury. The other three are Bible novels, including the author’s latest release Esther Queen of Persia. All of Jim’s books are primarily written for his grandchildren’s benefit. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google +,Goordreads and Author Central.

Book Details:

Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Baumgardner Press (November 15, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0988410710
ISBN-13: 978-0988410718
Retail Price: $16.95
Electronic Book also available

My Thoughts:

Enter into the world of a young Jewish girl taken from the simple life she had known and placed in the strange world of the Persian palace. Esther did not understand why the Lord would allow her to put in a place where everything around her went against her religious beliefs. This new life, new customs was unfamiliar and strange, but she decided that she would stay true to her faith and herself no matter what was thrown at her.

Baumgardner’s novel of Ester is beautifully written and stays true to the Biblical account of Esther’s life. Where the Bible does not give specific details, a fictional but historically accurate account of her life is fleshed out in the story. You get drawn into the thoughts and life of a young Jewish girl who does not care for the lot that has been given to her, but chooses to make the best of her situation so as to please the Lord. It’s a beautiful story of heartbreak, faith, hope, love, and trust.

The novel encompassed what life would have been like for Esther as a young woman going through the purification process in hopes of some day becoming the queen. It showed how her faith, while being a true source of strength and inner beauty, also left her in turmoil over the life that was being presented to her. It was a delicate balance of staying true to her beliefs while accepting her circumstances, and Jim did a wonderful job laying out this inner conflict.

The only part of the story that through me for a loop was the inclusion of a Chinese general towards the end of the story as it didn’t seem to flow as well as the rest of the story. Other than that, I enjoyed the novel and reading about the life of Esther in a new light.

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