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Marriage: It’s the Little Things That Matter

Posted in Family

Daddy and Mommy

This post is part of the Happy Wives Club Blog Tour which I am delighted to be a part of along with hundreds of inspiring bloggers. To learn more and join us, click here!  

I could talk forever about marriage, but it’s time to wrap up this little mini-series of mine. Ironically, this all started out as one post for the launch of the Happy Wives Club book, but once I got writing, I couldn’t stop. I glazed over things in the interest of saving some writing/reading time, but it still ended up being rather long. I had fun thinking about the past and talking things over with D. It was even more fun looking over old photos and trying to pick out a few for the posts.

As D and I were talking over some of the posts, I realized that I wanted to finish up the series by talking about how the little things really matter. Quite often, the bad little things – the small stuff – easily gets blown out of proportion ending in hurt feelings and frustration by one or both spouses, but we don’t truly appreciate all the little things that our spouses do for us. We take them for granted. So today, I’m going to talk about a few of the little things D does for me that I truly appreciate.

Always Kiss Me Goodnight

How many times have you seen a sign or picture that says this? At our home, we take it pretty seriously. As long as D is home, he always kisses me goodnight. He also kisses me when he gets up in the morning and before he heads to work. I’m normally asleep in the morning when he leaves, but I know when he’s saying goodbye. When he’s gone, this is one of the things that I really miss. I also miss him sleeping beside me when he’s gone, but I don’t miss the snoring. 😉 These goodnight and good morning kisses made sure that we’re ending the day and beginning the day on a positive note as a couple.

Showing our love for each other through the small things…

Note from D: It’s not really what is being done, but rather, it’s the emotion behind the act that is important. We don’t do things because we have to do them. We do them as a way to express our love for each other. It’s a way to give of ourselves in a very basic way.

I love when he holds my hand, opens the door for me, or even just places his hand in the small of my back while we’re walking or in church. There is just something comforting about knowing he’s there for me. His strength and love lift me up and help me be a stronger person.

Honestly, there aren’t many things more attractive in a man than when he is willing to play with the kids and help around the house. D is willing to help with meals, dishes, and laundry if I’m not feeling well. When he offers to take over vacuuming for me, it just makes me smile.

On the flip side, D totally appreciates me making sure he has a meal waiting for him when he gets home. I enjoy relaxing without having to jump right into tasks at home. He is thankful for clean laundry and a clean floor.

Focus on the Positive, Let Go of the Negative…

While I could keep talking about all of the little things, I want to close on the topic of saying thank you and being appreciative.

Note from D: We don’t HAVE to do things for each other. There is no requirement, but it goes back to giving each other 100% without condition. We do it because we want to, but it’s always nice to be shown appreciation for those acts of love, of kindness.

As a spouse, I could nag about what is not getting done or I can focus on the little things that he does each day. He works hard to take care of us, so I want him to know that I am grateful for his hard work, his provisions, and his love of family. By focusing on the positive, we are able to look past the little annoyances and just enjoy each other for who we are right now.

Happy Wives Club Blog Tour

Follow Fawn Weaver, the founder of the Happy Wives Club, on her journey to find the secrets to a happy, healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime. You can grab a copy here.

Happy Wives Club Our Marriage Series:


  1. […] & “D”, her active duty Marine husband, end their grouping of posts with the idea that it’s the little things that matter. I love how Heather adds “D”‘s thoughts into the […]

    January 9, 2014

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